Learn the Reseller Lingo
Reseller Abbreviations and Acronyms
Here is a full list of abbreviations and acronyms that apply to both buyers and sellers when it comes to reselling. Some you probably already know and others you may get to know the more you start reselling.
Abbreviations & Acronyms
- 1P = First Party Sellers
- 3P = Third-Party Sellers
- AMZ or AZ = Amazon
- ASIN = Amazon Standard Identification Number
- B&M = Brick & Mortar Store
- B2B = Business to Business
- B2C = Business to Customer
- BB = Buy Box
- BOGO = Buy One, Get One
- BOLO = Be On Look Out
- BNWOT – Brand New Without Tags
- BNWT – Brand New With Tags
- BSR = Best Sellers Rank
- BTS = Back To School
- CA = Canada
- DERP = Don’t Engage, Report Post
- DM = Direct Message
- EAN = European Article Number
- EUC = Excellent Used Condition
- FBA = Fulfillment by Amazon (check out our FBA deals here)
- FBM = Fulfillment by Merchant
- FC = Fulfillment Center
- FFS = Free For Shipping
- GTIN = Global Trade Item Number
- GUC = Good Used Condition
- HBA = Health & Beauty Aids
- ISBN = International Standard Book Number
- ISO = In Search Of
- KHLS = Kohl’s
- KPI = Key Performance Indicators
- MAP = Minimum Advertised Price
- MCF = Multi Channel Fulfillment
- MF = Merchant Fulfill
- MOQ = Minimum Order Quantity
- MPU = Must Pick Up
- MSRP = Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price
- MTD = Month To Date
- NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement
- NIB = New In Box
- NIP = New in Package
- NWOT = New Without Tags
- NWT = New With Tags
- OA = Online Arbitrage
- OBO = Or Best Offer
- OOS = Out of Stock
- OTC = Over the Counter
- P&L = Profit & Loss
- PFF = Posh Friends Forever
- PPC = Pay Per Click
- PL = Private Label
- PM = Personal Message
- PN = Price Negotiable
- POOS = Posted On Other Sites
- Q1 = 1st Quarter of Year (January 1st – March 31st)
- Q2 = 2nd Quarter of Year (April 1st – June 30th)
- Q3 = 3rd Quarter (July 1st – September 30th)
- Q4 = 4th Quarter (October 1st – December 31st)
- RA = Retail Arbitrage
- RFQ = Request for Quote
- ROI = Return on Investment
- SC = Seller Central (in Amazon)
- SEO = Search Engine Optimization
- SFP = Seller Fulfilled Prime
- SFPF = Smoke Free, Pet Free
- SKU = Stock Keeping Unit
- TIA = Thanks In Advance
- TGT = Target
- TOS = Terms of Service
- TTS = True To Size
- UPC = Universal Product Code
- VA = Virtual Assistant
- VTG = Vintage
- WL = White Label
- WM = Walmart
- WS = Wholesale
- WSF = Walmart Fulfillment Services
- WTB = Want To Buy
- YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
- YTD = Year To Date
Are we missing any reseller acronyms or abbreviations specific to reselling on the different marketplaces? Please let us know as we’d love to expand our vocabulary and share with others learning the reseller lingo.