Frequently Asked Questions

These are actual questions that we’ve received from visitors. If we have not answered your question, please contact us.
Who is this Kim chick anyway?
Kim Rowley is the brainstorm behind Shopping Bookmarks. She has been in the affiliate marketing industry and selling online for over 20 years. She also apparently like to talk about herself in third person. Read more about Kim.
Can I resell these deals elsewhere?
Of course, you can! You can resell any of these items on the platform of your choice, i.e. Ebay, Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, whatever your fancy is! We only list the Amazon rank since we are Amazon FBAers, but we previously used JoeLister to automatically post our Amazon listings to Ebay (and they take care of fulfillment).
We even have some people that visit just to see and buy the deals for themselves and don’t even resell the items! If you buy the items for gifts, chances are if the recipient looks online to see how much you spent, they’ll see the Amazon price and think you’re a big spender!
How can I get started doing Amazon FBA?
Kim wrote a blog post on how she started selling items on Amazon FBA. Kim also recommends you sign up for The Selling Family’s FREE Amazon Starter Course.
Can I get rich quick doing Amazon FBA?
Kim wrote another detailed post on of things to consider if Amazon FBA is right for you.
How can I get approval for more brands and categories?
The longer you’re a reseller, the more auto-approvals you will get.
To help, check out this list by The Selling Family that lists ASINS that will get you auto-approved for certain subcategories.
You can also get ungated by ordering at least 10 units of the specific brand or category you like to sell. Click here to see what distributor we use.
Do you buy these deals yourself?
We actually do take advantage of some of the deals we post. Some stores have limits, so we order the limit and then spread the wealth. Other deals we may be gated in that category or brand so can’t do, but you may be able to. We also don’t like to buy products that require prepping or have expiration dates, so we pass along those deals as well. Plus we add so many deals that we could not possibly buy all of them without unlimited credit!
Do you limit the number of people on the site?
Currently, since we are just launching and trying to build up our presence, we are not limiting the number of people that can view our deals, but that may change in the future.
Unlike most deal lists that post only on certain days of the week and at certain times of the day, we post the deals as we find them so deals are added at all hours of the day and night with no rhyme or reason. This gives more people the chance to take advantage of different deals.
We also post so many deals that everyone can’t possibly buy up all the deals (unless their credit limit is to infinity and beyond). This also gives more people chances at different deals.
We also try to post in various categories at various price points as someone may only be interested in shoes, while another is only interested in groceries.
Why do you share these deals for free?
We realize that others charge for these kind of deals, but we are using affiliate links to monetize our website. We appreciate you shopping through our links in exchange for taking advantage of our deals.
Ordering Questions
- Do you ship worldwide?
- Do you accept Paypal/Bitcoin?
- Do you offer prepping as well?
- Can you send directly to Amazon?
- When will I get my order?
The answer below is basically for the questions above and any other questions you may have about ordering the products we list….
We personally do not sell any physical products. We simply link out to merchant store websites. Any questions you have about ordering need to be addressed by the merchant itself.
Where can I find more deals?
On our resources page, we let you know of other offers for sourcing deals.
What happened to the old Shopping Bookmarks site?
Shopping Bookmarks has went through many makeovers the last 20 years. We created an online gallery if you feel like reminiscing.
Have a burning question that we didn’t cover above?
Ask away!
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