The world of home staging and selling can be incredibly competitive. One of the most effective strategies to stand out in this market is by reselling items from thrift stores. This approach not only helps you save money but also allows you to create unique, appealing home environments that attract potential buyers. We will cover everything you need to know about going from thrift store to profit and turning thrift store finds into profitable assets for home staging and selling.

Why Thrift Stores Are a Goldmine for Home Stagers

Thrift stores offer a variety of items at incredibly affordable prices. For home stagers and sellers, this means you can find furniture, décor, and other household items that can be revamped and resold for a profit. The variety in thrift stores ensures you can create a unique look for each property you stage, making it more attractive to buyers.

Benefits of Using Thrift Store Finds

  1. Cost-Effective: Thrift stores offer items at a fraction of the cost of new ones, allowing you to furnish a home on a budget.
  2. Unique Pieces: You can find one-of-a-kind items that add character and uniqueness to the homes you stage.
  3. Eco-Friendly: Buying second-hand is a great way to recycle and reduce waste, appealing to environmentally conscious buyers.
  4. Customization Potential: Many thrift store items can be easily customized or upcycled to fit the aesthetic you’re aiming for.
Several colorful statues and busts in a thrift store

Using thrift stores cost-effective and eco-friendly

How to Find the Best Thrift Store Items

To maximize your profits, you need to know how to spot the best items in thrift stores. Here are some tips to help you find high-quality pieces that can be resold at a profit.

Research and Planning

Before heading out, research popular thrift stores in your area. Some stores are known for having better quality items or more frequent turnover. Plan your visits around restocking days to get the first pick of new arrivals.

Inspect for Quality

When you find an item, thoroughly inspect it for any damage or wear and tear. Check for structural integrity, especially with furniture. Look for items in good condition that can be easily repaired or refinished.

Look for Timeless Pieces

Focus on items that have a timeless appeal to move from thrift store to profit. Classic furniture styles, neutral colors, and versatile décor items are more likely to appeal to a wide range of buyers and fit into various staging themes.

Revamping Thrift Store Finds

Once you’ve acquired your thrift store items, the next step is to revamp them to increase their appeal and value. Here are some techniques to transform your thrift store finds into profitable pieces:

  • Clean and restore the furniture or smaller décor items
  • Add a fresh coat of paint to old furniture
  • Consider reupholstering chairs, sofas, and other upholstered items
  • Update the hardware on furniture pieces, such as replacing old knobs and handles 

Tips for Successful Home Staging with Thrift Store Finds

Using thrift store finds for home staging requires a bit of creativity and strategic thinking. Here are some tips to ensure your staged homes look their best and appeal to potential buyers.

Create a Cohesive Look

When staging a home, aim for a cohesive look that flows from room to room. Choose a consistent color scheme and style to create a harmonious environment. This will make the home feel more put together and appealing to buyers.

Highlight Key Features

Use your thrift store finds to highlight the home’s best features. For example, place a beautiful piece of furniture in a focal point of the room or use decorative items to draw attention to unique architectural details.

Keep It Simple

Avoid cluttering the space with too many items. Keep the décor simple and tasteful, allowing potential buyers to envision their own belongings in the home. This will help them see the potential of the space without being overwhelmed by the décor.

Two upholstered colorful armchairs

Keep the décor simple when staging

Pay Attention to Details

Small details can make a big difference in home staging. Use fresh flowers, attractive throw pillows, and tasteful artwork to add finishing touches to the space. These small touches can make the home feel more inviting and appealing.

Partner with Professional Movers

Thrift store shopping for décor is particularly popular in California, where sustainability takes center stage. When staging and selling homes, it’s also quite common to hire a reliable moving company, which can make the process smoother, more efficient, and, consequently, more eco-friendly. For those in California, Royal Moving and Storage California—proud winners of the 2023 Angi Super Service Award—offers exceptional services that can assist in transporting your thrift store finds and staging items safely and quickly. Their team of experienced movers understands the unique needs of home stagers and sellers, ensuring that every piece arrives in perfect condition. 

Selling Your Staged Home

Once your home is beautifully staged with thrift store finds, it’s time to focus on selling. Here are some tips to help you attract buyers and close the deal:

Professional Photography

High-quality photos are crucial for online listings. Hire a professional photographer to capture your staged home in the best light. Make sure to highlight the unique thrift store pieces that add character to your home.

Effective Marketing

Market your home effectively by highlighting the benefits of the staged items. Emphasize how the unique and sustainable decor enhances the property’s overall appeal. Use social media, real estate websites, and other platforms to reach a wide audience.

Hosting Open Houses

Hosting open houses allows potential buyers to experience the charm of your staged home firsthand. Ensure your thrift store finds are prominently displayed and the home is clean and well-organized. Engage with visitors and point out the unique features of the staged items.

Marketing Your Items

To maximize your profits, you need to market your revamped thrift store finds effectively. If you decide not to include them in the home sale but sell them after the staging is finished, here are some strategies for getting your items noticed by potential buyers.

High-Quality Photos

Take clear, well-lit photos of your items from multiple angles. Use a clean, neutral background to make your items stand out. High-quality photos are essential for attracting buyers online.

A woman taking a photo of décor

Market your items with high-quality photos

Write Compelling Descriptions

Craft detailed descriptions that highlight the unique features and benefits of your items. Mention any customizations or restorations you’ve done, and be honest about the condition of the item.

Use Multiple Platforms

List your items on multiple selling platforms to reach a wider audience. Popular options include online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace, as well as local consignment shops and flea markets.

Leverage Social Media

Use social media platforms to showcase your items. Join local buy/sell groups and use hashtags to increase visibility. You can also create a dedicated page for your reselling business to build a following.

From Thrift Store to Profit—The Takeaway

Going from a thrift store to profit by turning assets for home staging and selling is a smart, cost-effective strategy. Carefully selecting and revamping items and effectively marketing them can create beautiful, appealing home environments that attract buyers and boost your profits. Embrace the potential of thrift stores and watch your home staging business thrive, taking your journey from thrift store to profit.