Selling clothes online is a great way to make a bit of extra cash. Yet, getting it right is often easier said than done. That’s why this article tells you exactly how to make money selling clothes online. 

Go through your wardrobe 

The first step is to go through your clothes and see what you can sell. You might find that there are things in your wardrobe that aren’t worn anymore, but which could still be sold online. Perhaps the item of clothing doesn’t fit you anymore, or it got damaged somehow. If this is the case, then it’s time to put your item of clothing up for sale.

It’s important to remember that the clothes you want to sell need to be in good condition. You can set a minimum standard and refuse items that don’t meet your expectations, or you could offer a money-back guarantee on certain items. This way, customers know what they are getting.

Remember, only get rid of stuff you really don’t want anymore and be sure to replace anything you really need. For example, sunglasses. If you’re giving up on your old pair, check out Just Glasses. They’ve got an amazing range to choose from. 

You can also revamp your used clothing with a die cut machine. You can easily add custom designs to t-shirts, hoodies, and even jeans. Die cut machines come in a variety of sizes and price ranges, so it’s easy to find one that fits your budget. And best of all, using a die cut machine is simple and quick. In just a few minutes, you can create a unique piece of clothing that will stand out from the rest and sell for even more.

Get some great pics 

Once you’ve got your items together, it’s time to take some photos of the clothes. You may want to consider hiring a professional photographer or taking them yourself with a good quality camera. If you are selling online, then great photographs are essential as they will often be all people have to go on before buying the item.

You might want to take some shots of your clothes on a mannequin or you could also hire one and use that. You can get whoever you’re taking the photos with to try on the garments. This will help potential customers know what they will look like if they buy them. If you can, be creative with your photos! You may want to think about using different angles or taking shots that give the customer a good idea of how the item will fit them.

Find the right place to sell

Once you have your photos ready, it’s time to sell the clothes online. There are a number of websites that allow people to do this and sometimes they will even pay for each item that is sold through their website.
In order to attract as many people as possible, you should try and promote your store by building a solid social media presence. Facebook and Instagram are very useful for this, but there are also websites that can help you with marketing your business.

Sort your shipping 

Before you list your first item of clothing, it might be a good idea to find out exactly how much it will cost you to post the products. Remember that not everyone lives nearby and people may want to buy more than one item at a time, so this can end up getting expensive.

It’s good to give people at least a week or two for delivery. You might also want to include information about what you will do if your customers don’t receive the product which they ordered. For example, reimbursement or another delivery.