How many hours do you spend slouched over your desk now that you work from home? What does your back feel like after all those hours? It’s probably stiff and sore, and over time, the health of your spine can actually deteriorate. You can take steps, though, to keep your spine safe when you work from home. Read on to learn about some of them.

Purchase the Right Furniture

Your spine can suffer if you don’t have the right office furniture. Start with your office chair. It should have proper back support and be adjustable so you can match it to the height of your desk. As you shop for a chair, look for something labeled ergonomic. This means the chair is specially designed for comfort, support, and safety. Also, take some time to read product reviews. Do the same for your desk.

Improve Your Posture

Proper posture goes a long way toward keeping your spine safe. As you sit in your office chair, your ears, shoulders, and hips should line up, and your lower back should be supported by your chair. Put your feet flat on the floor with your knees at a 90-degree angle. Don’t hunch forward or lean to one side. Make sure your chair is the right height. The top third of your computer monitor should be at eye level so you don’t have to scrunch your neck. Making this posture a habit can help prevent back pain.

Exercise Correctly

Too much sitting, though, can still put pressure on your spine, so get up and move around frequently. Just be sure to exercise correctly. Research stretching exercises designed to strengthen your spine and practice a few of them. You can ask your chiropractor for recommendations as well. Start slowly and increase repetitions and variety over time.

When you exercise, wear comfortable clothing that isn’t too constrictive. Shorts or yoga pants and a loose T-shirt provide flexibility. Find a comfortable, supportive bra as well. Choose one without an underwire that won’t bunch or inhibit your movement.

Control Stress

You may be surprised to learn that stress can actually worsen back pain, so make an effort to control your stress. You might use music therapy or guided breathing exercises to help. 

Make some changes in your home environment, too. Even adding houseplants or decluttering your space can improve your mindset and reduce stress. You may also find help in designating an area of your home as your quiet space. Decorate it to induce calm and relaxation. You can retreat to it whenever you need a break to experience some solitude.

Pay close attention to your home office. The wrong atmosphere there can actually increase your stress. Have a good storage system in place so you can stay organized without being surrounded by cluttered papers. A mess leads to stress. Bring in sufficient lighting, and surround yourself with appealing pictures and fun knick-knacks. You’ll sit up straighter and your spine will thank you.

Protect Your Spine

Protect your spine when you work from home by using the right furniture, improving your posture, exercising correctly, and controlling your stress. Your back will feel better, and you might even have more energy.