make money shopping

Shopping Bookmarks has been teaching people how to save money for over 20 years. We have now expanded to teach you how to make money by buying products at a discount and reselling those products at a profit!

Buy Low, Sell High = SUCCESS


A reseller purchases products from manufacturers, liquidators, or other retailers.


A reseller then marks up the price and resells those products to customers via marketplaces for a profit.


We are here to help you succeed as a reseller whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the space. 

Woman ordering products online to resell

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Shopping Blog


How to Choose Profitable Home Goods for Resale

How to Choose Profitable Home Goods for Resale

The home goods market is a fantastic arena if you're looking to make money shopping. The right choices, from decorative items to essential household tools, can turn into significant profits. However, picking products that promise high returns involves more than just a...

How to Fund Your Home Remodel Through Smart Buys and Sales

How to Fund Your Home Remodel Through Smart Buys and Sales

Ready to upgrade your residence? Finding ways to fund your home remodel can be as straightforward as making astute purchases and sales. Start by determining which old furniture and home items could help fund your remodeling efforts. This approach not only clears out...

Reselling Finds from Estate Sales and Auctions

Reselling Finds from Estate Sales and Auctions

Exploring estate sales and auctions opens a realm of opportunity for resellers seeking unique finds and profitable ventures. These events are goldmines for those with a keen eye and strategic mindset. The diversity of items available is astounding, from vintage...

The Art of Resale: Making Money from Home Renovation Leftovers

The Art of Resale: Making Money from Home Renovation Leftovers

Discover the untapped potential in your home renovation leftovers. This guide reveals how you can make money by reselling them. You'll learn strategies to capitalize on what you might have otherwise discarded. This opportunity benefits your wallet and supports...