make money shopping

Shopping Bookmarks has been teaching people how to save money for over 20 years. We have now expanded to teach you how to make money by buying products at a discount and reselling those products at a profit!

Buy Low, Sell High = SUCCESS


A reseller purchases products from manufacturers, liquidators, or other retailers.


A reseller then marks up the price and resells those products to customers via marketplaces for a profit.


We are here to help you succeed as a reseller whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the space. 

Woman ordering products online to resell

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Shopping Blog


The Best Under $10 Gifts for Christmas

The Best Under $10 Gifts for Christmas

With Christmas approaching our doors, the festival season is in full bloom and every physical and online shop is brimming with buyers. No matter how much you try, Christmas presents have such a magnetic lure that you just can’t avoid going overboard and spending a...

Turning Bargains into Bucks: Flipping Furniture for Your Home Move

Turning Bargains into Bucks: Flipping Furniture for Your Home Move

Flipping furniture for your home move is an innovative way to earn extra money for relocation. This concept, gaining popularity across Canada, involves finding undervalued furniture, restoring or redesigning it, and selling it for a profit. The benefits of this...

How to Offset Relocation Costs by Reselling Unwanted Items

How to Offset Relocation Costs by Reselling Unwanted Items

Moving to a new home is an exciting chapter in anyone’s life, especially when it involves a beautiful place like Maryland. However, relocating can be costly, and minimizing these expenses is crucial. One effective strategy is to turn your unwanted items into cash....

Tips for Organizing Your Resale Inventory

Tips for Organizing Your Resale Inventory

Efficiently organizing your resale inventory can transform your business. It's not just about knowing where everything is; it's a strategy that elevates customer satisfaction and sales performance. With each item in its rightful place, you effortlessly track sales...

How to Store Your Resale Products Safely and Securely

How to Store Your Resale Products Safely and Securely

If you're in the business of reselling products, you know the importance of keeping them safe until they find their new homes. In this fast-paced resale market, the way you store your inventory can make or break your success. Imagine finding that perfect vintage...

How to Host a Successful Garage Sale and Earn Extra Cash

How to Host a Successful Garage Sale and Earn Extra Cash

Whether you want to declutter your home, downsize, or make additional money, a well-planned garage sale can be the perfect solution. So, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to host a successful garage sale to help! We'll walk you through every step of the...