make money shopping

Shopping Bookmarks has been teaching people how to save money for over 20 years. We have now expanded to teach you how to make money by buying products at a discount and reselling those products at a profit!

Buy Low, Sell High = SUCCESS


A reseller purchases products from manufacturers, liquidators, or other retailers.


A reseller then marks up the price and resells those products to customers via marketplaces for a profit.


We are here to help you succeed as a reseller whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the space. 

Woman ordering products online to resell

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Shopping Blog


Ways to Turn Yard Sale Finds into Profitable Ventures

Ways to Turn Yard Sale Finds into Profitable Ventures

Turning yard sale finds into profitable ventures requires a keen eye for spotting hidden treasures and a knack for transforming them into valuable assets. In this article, we will delve into the art of bargain hunting and provide tips for identifying the most valuable...

Shop Smart, Earn Big: How to Make Money Through Strategic Shopping

Shop Smart, Earn Big: How to Make Money Through Strategic Shopping

In the modern consumer world, where most of our shopping is done digitally, there's a secret formula that not many know about - the formula to actually generate revenue from the routine activity of buying goods and services. If you're wondering how the answer lies in...

Tips and Tricks for Finding the Best Deals and Items to Resell

Tips and Tricks for Finding the Best Deals and Items to Resell

Are you in the reselling business and searching for ways to find the best deals and items to resell? Look no further! In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to uncover hidden gems and maximize your profits. As a reseller, staying ahead of...