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Shopping Bookmarks has been teaching people how to save money for over 20 years. We have now expanded to teach you how to make money by buying products at a discount and reselling those products at a profit!

Buy Low, Sell High = SUCCESS


A reseller purchases products from manufacturers, liquidators, or other retailers.


A reseller then marks up the price and resells those products to customers via marketplaces for a profit.


We are here to help you succeed as a reseller whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the space. 

Woman ordering products online to resell

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Shopping Blog


How to Build a Successful Reselling Business

How to Build a Successful Reselling Business

Starting a reselling business can be a great way to make money, but it's essential to approach it with a solid plan. Defining what a reselling business is and highlighting some of the benefits of starting one is a crucial step. This guide will be your roadmap to...

Common Mistakes to Avoid as an Online Reseller

Common Mistakes to Avoid as an Online Reseller

The world of online reselling has taken off in recent years as more and more people embrace the idea of turning a profit from the comfort of their homes. With the boom in e-commerce, the opportunities seem endless. But so do the common pitfalls. Whether you are a...

7 Things You Didn’t Know You Can Recycle

7 Things You Didn’t Know You Can Recycle

From a very early age, we are told about how we can help save the environment by recycling. As science and creativity continue to work together, there are new recycling techniques people discover each year. Here are the seven things you didn’t know you can recycle,...

How to Refresh Your Wardrobe on a Budget

How to Refresh Your Wardrobe on a Budget

Are you tired of wearing the same clothes day after day, but can't afford to buy an entirely new wardrobe? We understand how difficult it is to look good on a budget, but the good news is that there are several ways you can refresh your wardrobe without breaking the...

6 Space-Saving Appliances for Small Kitchens

6 Space-Saving Appliances for Small Kitchens

You should always strive to make the most out of what you have available. No matter how large your kitchen is, if you overcrowd it with useless appliances, you won’t be efficient. And when it comes to small kitchens, you need to be especially cautious. There is very...

Flourishing Through a Recession: Practical Tips for Families

Flourishing Through a Recession: Practical Tips for Families

Receptions are hard on families. It often comes with job loss, reduced income, and all-around financial uncertainty. This can put an incredible strain on family finances, making it difficult to plan ahead or save money. The good news is that you not only can survive...