make money shopping

Shopping Bookmarks has been teaching people how to save money for over 20 years. We have now expanded to teach you how to make money by buying products at a discount and reselling those products at a profit!

Buy Low, Sell High = SUCCESS


A reseller purchases products from manufacturers, liquidators, or other retailers.


A reseller then marks up the price and resells those products to customers via marketplaces for a profit.


We are here to help you succeed as a reseller whether you’re a newbie or seasoned in the space. 

Woman ordering products online to resell

Looking for Online Arbitrage Deals?

Search for stores, categories, brand names and more.  

Shopping Blog


Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle While Juggling Life and Business

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle While Juggling Life and Business

When you are juggling lots, you can find that you struggle to fit in everything you want to (or even need to). Striking a balance while living life and working can be challenging. However, how can you start making this process a little easier on yourself, and what...

What Makes a Great Place to Work?

What Makes a Great Place to Work?

In today’s fast-paced world of business and commerce it is recognized that employees hold the key to the success or failure of any enterprise. Many employees want to undertake roles that are both fulfilling and stimulating. In addition, they want to feel truly valued...

What To Do If Your Home Business Is Ready To Grow

What To Do If Your Home Business Is Ready To Grow

If you feel stuck in your home business, you're not alone. Many people think this way at some point or another. But if you're ready to take your business to the next level, there are some things you can do. Do you have enough capital to support growth? If not, you may...

The Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

The Best Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

Ecommerce marketing is a process of driving online sales through digital marketing techniques.  To be successful, ecommerce businesses need to focus on creating a robust online presence, driving traffic to their website, and converting visitors into customers. Several...

How to Promote Your Online Store to New Audiences

How to Promote Your Online Store to New Audiences

Once you’ve established an online store, whether it’s in the Amazon FBA space or somewhere similar, it can be difficult to know where to go, or what to do next. Do you keep selling to the same customer base and hope that you can keep them coming back? Or do you look...

How to Nurture Customer Loyalty: A Guide for Businesses

How to Nurture Customer Loyalty: A Guide for Businesses

If you're a female business owner, you are helping to pave the path towards greater equality in entrepreneurship. Does running a business sound like a huge responsibility? Don't stress. Use the tips below to focus on your own business and make it a success! Nurturing...